London 2017 Exhibition

Neo Natalie Gilder
Neo Natalie Gilder's practice is predominantly comprised of portrait photography, however she would never strictly class herself solely as a portraiture photographer. Interested in the art of manipulation and how it can be used to tell a unique story to every individual Neo works mostly with digitally photography, however she still holds a fascination with analogue medium format images due to their atmospheric quality.
In her recent work, Neo has looked at topics such as; Christianity and what it means to be Christian in both her own opinion and in those of whom she has photographed, finding your identity and what that means in today’s society, rape culture and how it can be used a war tool in various African countries, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and how it is still deemed as acceptable in many countries today, and lastly Africa through African eyes. Neo states that people living abroad usually see Africa through Western eyes, this has grown to the point that even Africans try produce similar imagery. She believes that African photographers should instead tell their side of the story through their own lens, something that has become a prominent theme within her own practice.