London 2017 Exhibition

Emily Shoesmith
Emily Shoesmith’s photographic specialism is in portrait photography. She works mainly within a studio environment, allowing for full environmental control, particularly with the use of lighting. Emily enjoys the exploration of peoples’ identities and the capturing of the beauty of each individual. Following in the footsteps of her father Emily seeks to become a commercial photographer, her main goal of which is to be able to work within a studio setting, collaborating with professional models.
For Emily the camera enables her to express how she is feeling without the need of words. Her latest body of work is based on her friendship with a girl called May, exploring their eleven years of friendship and acting as a reminder of the many memories that they shared. Tragically May lost her life on the 15th of June 2015, and Emily hopes that her photographs can introduce and allow people to meet the wonderful young women that she owes a great deal of happiness too.