London 2017 Exhibition

Amber Schormans
Fashion and photography encompass the contemporary world and affects all of us whether that is on a conscious or subconscious level. Fashion photography is a genre that can take the viewer to the farthest reaches of glamour and artistic expression, this is something Amber Schormans explores within her own practice. Further explorations within this work includes comments on society’s obsessions and issues in terms of representation, with topics such as culture or mental health. Collaboration is a key aspect of this genre and also to Amber's own practice, working with a number of emerging fashion designers, fashion bloggers and models to create contemporary work with a range of influences and ideas.
Portraiture is another specialism of Amber's, often exploring a range of approaches, taking particular interest in a commercial perspective. Something she was praised for in 2016 when being awarded third place in the Eaton Portrait Prize. Her aims in the future are to work within the fashion industry, looking to specialise within an editorial and magazine setting.